Fall Fertilizer

“Why bother with a fall fertilizer? My grass is going to be dormant soon. There is no need for it.” That is the thought from some people about a fall fertilizer application. But that fall fertilizer application does a lot for your lawn as it prepares to become dormant, and then get ready for the coming spring. Despite your lawn looking like it has stopped growing when the weather starts…

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Fall Weeding

Pulling weeds seems to be a job that never ends. And it might be that way, but an unweeded landscape looks out of control and unmaintained. Fall weeding is a good project to help to lessen the weed pressure for the coming spring season. Now you are probably thinking that why don’t I wait until the first frost, the weeds will die and my landscape will be weed free. It…

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Fall Overseeding

Overseeding your lawn is often over-looked, but it can do a lot to help to improve the look of your lawn. But why overseed in the fall? It is best is overseed in the fall for three reasons: Less weed pressure. In the fall, weeds are not as aggressive as they are in the spring. The lesser competition from weeds helps to establish new grass plants better. No more crabgrass…

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