Slow to Wake Up in the Spring

Have you every noticed that some lawns like the spring more than other lawns? It may seem weird at first, but when you think about the complexity of the lawn, it is not so weird after all. In Michigan home lawns, there are three desired main species of grass, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescue. Of those three species, there are hundreds of cultivars (subgroups). With that being the…

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Growing Grass, Raising Children

Planting grass is like raising a child. Wait, what?!? It is true. Both take a lot of time, patience, and energy. But both can be done. Here are a few similarities between growing grass from seed, and raising a child. Grass takes a while to before it sprouts out of the ground. Just like a mother when she is pregnant. Some common species on grass that is planted here in…

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Erosion Control

Erosion can be a challenge in a landscape. You may have just reworked a portion of you landscape, and the first time that is rains, much of that work was washed away. This can be very frustrating. We will take a look at some erosion control solutions for lawn areas and landscape areas. When installing a new lawn with a slope, erosion control matting is worth the investment. A heavy…

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Patience, we need that right now if you are itching to be working on your lawn or landscape. It is the middle of winter, a few projects can be down, but not many. So we have to wait until spring, that can require patience. Patience, it can be challenging to have, but it is needed when working on a lawn or landscape. Many tasks within a lawn or landscape are…

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