Soil Temperature

When thinking about plants and snow and what is going to happen, we often think about the weather. Something that is often overlooked is the soil temperature. The soil temperature can play a big role in what is going on outside with our plants and the snow. During the winter, the soil temperature/ground temperature can dictate how much of the falling snow sticks to the ground. If the surface temperatures…

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A Warm Winter Snow Blanket

As the temperatures have turned colder, we head in from working on our landscapes. Now we like to find a warm spot in the house when we relax in the winter. It could be with a cup of hot chocolate, it could be by the fire place, or it could be curled up under a blanket. The snow that falls becomes a nice snow blanket for our landscape plants. The…

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2016 Growing Season Wrap-Up

We have come to the end of the 2016 growing season. It was another unique year, but aren’t all years unique? Each year has its own quirks and challenges, but like every year, we make our way through. We had a warm start to the spring. However, spring always throws some roller coaster-like weather at us with a high temperature on April 9 of 34 degrees and one week later…

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Upcoming Winter Season

The upcoming winter season is quickly approaching. Last winter was a little below average on the amount of snow that fell. For those who are not a fan of winter, that was good. Even though it can be fun to compare the coming winter to last winter, that can be a flawed method for determining what is to come. The winter of 2015-2016 was warmer than average and less snowy…

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