The Perfect LawnThe perfect lawn, it always looks good. What does it take to get to that point? We will go over what it is going to take.

  • Mowing: Mowing at the correct height, three inches for Michigan, and mowing not more than one third of the leaf blade at one time will help to keep a lawn at a healthy height.
  • Fertilizer: Fertilizing regularly, applying no more than one pound of nitrogen per one thousand square feet per time, as well as an even application of the fertilizer will help to produce that healthy lush lawn. Typical lawns in Michigan need three to four pounds of nitrogen per thousand square feet per year.
  • Weed Control: Controlling weeds as they appear, and not letting them invade too much help to keep a lawn thick and full. Here is the catch though, a healthy lawn will be better able to stop weeds from growing.
  • Proper Watering: This does wonders for a lawn. The key word though is proper, too much water can drown your lawn and do even more damage than no water at all. It is recommend for a lawn to receive one inch of water per week. That is one inch combined between rainfall and irrigation. During really hot and dry times, more water might be needed, and less during cooler times.
  • Filling in Bare Spots: This is more of a problem while trying to get your lawn to the lush and full status. Sometime you will need to patch any holes to help them fill in faster to create the full lawn.
  • Monitoring for Problems: Problems can and will arise. It is best to stay on top of any problem. For example, with heavier or wet soils, it is best to have routine aeration done, or look for signs of grub problems and correcting the situation properly, etc. By taking care of the problem in the early stages, things will not get as out of hand, and your lawn will be able to recover quicker.

Now, with all of that being said, it is important to note that you cannot skip any of these parts. It is not a pick and choose your way to a perfect lawn, all of these tasks need to be done, and kept up to help to maintain a perfect lawn. But having that perfect lawn is more than just aesthetically pleasing, it can provide other benefits to your property.

Those tasks, when combined, all are key ingredients to help to maintain the perfect lawn. It does take time, however, to get a yard from less than stellar to the perfect lawn. Sometimes, it can take over a year of work to help to restore a lawn, but the work will be worth it.

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