If you are having a problem with your lawn, and you just cannot seem to get the grass to be as nice as you want it to be, it may be time for a soil test. This is if you are following all of the other suggested maintenance tasks, like proper mowing, watering, fertilization, and cultural care. Some times everything can be done just right, but the lawn may still be missing something. This is where a soil test can help.

Discovering what is or is not available for your lawn:

A soil test will tell you what elements are in your soil, what the pH of the soil is, and what type of soil it is. Depending on what lab tests the soil, other items may be included, but these are the main areas. The elements in your soil will include the primary macro-nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It will also include the secondary  macro-nutrients like sulfur, magnesium, and calcium. As well as micro-nutrients, like boron, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, molybdenum, and lead. If any of these nutrients listed are not within the normal range, your lawn could be affected.

This will only make things more confusing. If the soil pH is off, these nutrients may or may not be available to the plant even if they are in the soil. The soil type can also play into this. That is why a lab takes a look at the sample and gives a report of their findings.

The good news is that with the report, adjustments can be made to your lawn to help to improve it. Once the adjustments to your lawn are made, its health and appearance should start to improve.

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