DandelionsWeeds in the spring can be a big problem; unfortunately it is a problem every year. That is just what it is going to be, but some steps can be taken to help to lessen the weeds in the spring.

With the nicer weather starting, we like to make an appearance outside, and so do plants, including weeds. They grow based on the weather. Once the weather becomes favorable for the plants to start growing, they grow. However, there is more than just weather that is a factor in weed growth. Each species of weed likes specific growing conditions. Some like hot dry sites, other prefer damp and compacted sites. The conditions in your yard will have a say in what types of weeds will want to grow there.

It is best to address the weeds by eliminating the weeds, and by making changes to the specific growing conditions to help to stop weeds from growing there in the future. For example, if the weeds like to grow in compacted soils, aerating the area may help to lessen the compaction, and may help to prevent future weed growth.

Maintaining a healthy lawn can also help to lessen weed growth. A healthy lawn will be able to withstand weed pressure better than a weaker turf stand. A healthy lawn will need proper watering, fertilizer, mowing, just to name a few of the necessary practices.

The last key is to stay on top of the weed growth. Eliminate weeds as they appear to stop them from spreading seed. If the weeds get out of hand, the damage of to the yard can be extensive. A lot of work will need to be done to get the yard back in shape.

Spring means nicer weather, more daylight, and weeds. By maintaining a healthy lawn, correcting site issues, and staying on top of the weed growth, you can achieve minimal impact each spring of any unsightly weeds. Weeds in the spring can be no fun, but there is hope.

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