Landscape beds are an important part in separating your lawn from your landscape. However, the shape of a landscape bed is up to you. We will go over a few points to remember when planning the shape of that landscape bed.

It is best to make sure that the design matches the rest of the landscape beds on your property. If you have square corners, then use square corners. If you have a curving bed, make sure the new beds curve. That is the main idea. It does not look good to mix and match bed shapes.

The next idea is to make sure that you use bold lines. If the bed edge is only slightly curvy, it will look more like a mistake than anything. Make sure that your curves are big and bold, and your corners are nice and crisp.

The size of the landscape bed is something that can easily be overlooked when all of the plants that are going in are still small. It can look very deceiving with all of this open space, but remember, those plants will grow. They are going to need more space as they grow.

The best thing to do if you have any questions about the shape of a landscape bed, ask a professional. They will be able to give you some ideas on what will and will not look good when it comes to your landscape project.

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