The area between your house and your property lines should be more than just a landscape. It should be a way to enhance your property. But what does all of this mean?

  • Your landscape should be visually appealing. This one is hard to set defined standards on since everyone has different tastes in what they like. However, your landscape should be something that you like it to be, it is your property, so why not?
  • A landscape should stimulate your senses. There should be interest in your landscape. Something that catches your eye, something that is fragrant, or something that is fun to touch.
  • A landscape can create value to the property. A landscape that adds to the look of the house can add value to the property. Curb appeal is big when selling a house or inviting someone over. The outside of the house is the first thing that people see when they stop on by.
  • Your landscape should be functional. Plants can shade the house or a patio to cool either down. Plants can invite guests to the front door. Plants can do many things for your landscape.

When looking at your landscape, are you using your landscape to it fullest? Or is it just something that you have because all of your neighbors do? This is just something to think about as you rework your landscape. Some of these ideas can be achieved by altering just a thing or two in your landscape.

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