Brown Footprints on My Lawn?!?

Have you ever seen footprints on your lawn? You can see exactly where someone went, but how did the footprints get there? Well we know how they got there, some walked through your lawn, but what exactly caused the footprints to appear. The footprints are caused when someone walks over frost covered grass. The frost is hard and frozen, and the grass is lush and growing. When the weight of…

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Patience, we need that right now if you are itching to be working on your lawn or landscape. It is the middle of winter, a few projects can be down, but not many. So we have to wait until spring, that can require patience. Patience, it can be challenging to have, but it is needed when working on a lawn or landscape. Many tasks within a lawn or landscape are…

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Not so Wild about Violets

Wild violets in a yard can be an unsightly situation. But how do you take care of them? Controlling wild violets is not as easy as you might think. During the summer months, wild violets have a thick coating on their leaves that stop herbicides from entering the plant. This is not the end of the story. For a very short while in the fall, when the wild violets are…

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